Nokia PC Suite

"Nokia PC Suite is a package of Windows-based PC applications developed especially for use with Nokia phones.
Depending on your phone model, it lets you synchronize, edit, and back up many of your phone's files on a compatible PC through a wireless or cable connection.
Depending on your phone model, you can use PC Suite to:
- Back up and restore phone files
- Transfer information, pictures, and music from phone to phone, phone to PC, or PC to phone
- Synchronize your phone and PC calendars
- Edit contacts, pictures, and phone file names
- Install software (games, themes, utilities) on your phone
- Convert ringing tone formats
- Connect by using your phone as a modem"
Read more and download at Nokia's PC Suite Site
At 6:41 AM,
Angelito LeMontréalais said…
This blog post of the Nokia PCSuite is excellent and a must for any Nokia-phile!
Cool blog site...
Angelito (Dechen from HoFo)
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
My problem is with the latest version of PC Suite, V6.6.
I downloaded the program and when I started to install it I received this message –
Installation found Nokia PC Suite on this computer. Because Nokia PC Suite & Nokia PC Suite cannot function flawlessly in the same computer installation was cancelled. To use Nokia PC Suite in this computer, first uninstall Nokia PC Suite. “
Down to start and ran Search, could not find two PC Suites. Back to Nokia-Asia site, search and found a reference to this problem and the answer was to download Suite Cleaner V3.0, ran option 1 – same message; ran option 2 same message; ran option 3 same darn message. Also, tried to run the uninstall program but would not uninstall PC Suite (Nokia expressed surprise at this???).
Contacted Nokia site (1300 366 733) by phone and advised them of this problem and was advised to manually delete this program and download and try again.
Yes, and guess what – same error message. Contacted Nokia again and was advised to –
1/ run uninstall – failed,
2/ run cleaner using options 1,2 and 3 – failed,
3/ manually delete all pc Suite files etc,
4/ run search to locate any pc suite files and delete,
5/ download program again and try again.
Guess what! Same error message; so contacted Nokia for the 3rd time. This time an IT tech.was consulted by the operator and I was advised that “some PC Suite files must be located deep in the operating system and the uninstall program can not remove them. Take it to your IT tech. and get him to remove them as he is the only one that can do it.” The operator expressed the opinion that as the Tech was so quick to answer, it must have been a known problem.
How often have you come across this problem as I don’t see why I should have to pay a IT Tech. to fix up a Nokia PC Suite problem after reading the answer on the site in the first place.
Computer is a Dell Inspiron P4, running Windows XP Pro (service pack2).
Have you downloaded the PCSite V6.6 and actually used it ???
Cheers, smithy.
At 9:04 PM,
Mihai said…
I can see that you have a preaty big problem.
I suggest you to try:
1. Updating the motherboard driver
2. Find from Nokia's site what PC Suite you should use with your phone. Some older phones need older PC Suite
3. Try deleting manualy PC Suite from Program Files and then reinstall it
If all this have no result reinstall Windows
At 9:05 PM,
Mihai said…
Best go to and they will help you even further
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